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pokelance.models.abstract.item ⚓︎

Item ⚓︎

Bases: BaseModel

Item model.


Name Type Description
id int

The identifier for this resource.

name str

The name for this resource.

cost int

The price of this item in stores.

fling_power int

The power of the move Fling when used with this item.

fling_effect NamedResource

The effect of the move Fling when used with this item.

attributes List[NamedResource]

A list of attributes this item has.

category NamedResource

The category of items this item falls into.

effect_entries List[Effect]

The effect of this ability listed in different languages.

flavor_text_entries List[VersionGroupFlavorText]

The flavor text of this ability listed in different languages.

game_indices List[GenerationGameIndex]

A list of game indices relevent to this item by generation.

names List[Name]

The name of this resource listed in different languages.

sprites ItemSprites

A set of sprites used to depict this item in the game.

held_by_pokemon List[ItemHolderPokemon]

A list of Pokémon that might be found in the wild holding this item.

baby_trigger_for NamedResource

An evolution chain this item requires to produce a bay during mating.

machines List[MachineVersionDetail]

A list of the machines related to this item.

to_dict() ⚓︎

Convert the model to a dict


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The model as a dict.

Source code in pokelance/models/
def to_dict(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """Convert the model to a dict

    typing.Dict[str, Any]
        The model as a dict.
    return attrs.asdict(self)

ItemAttribute ⚓︎

Bases: BaseModel

ItemAttribute model.


Name Type Description
id int

The identifier for this resource.

name str

The name for this resource.

items List[NamedResource]

A list of items that have this attribute.

names List[Name]

The name of this resource listed in different languages.

to_dict() ⚓︎

Convert the model to a dict


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The model as a dict.

Source code in pokelance/models/
def to_dict(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """Convert the model to a dict

    typing.Dict[str, Any]
        The model as a dict.
    return attrs.asdict(self)

ItemCategory ⚓︎

Bases: BaseModel

ItemCategory model.


Name Type Description
id int

The identifier for this resource.

name str

The name for this resource.

items List[NamedResource]

A list of items that are a part of this category.

names List[Name]

The name of this resource listed in different languages.

to_dict() ⚓︎

Convert the model to a dict


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The model as a dict.

Source code in pokelance/models/
def to_dict(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """Convert the model to a dict

    typing.Dict[str, Any]
        The model as a dict.
    return attrs.asdict(self)

ItemFlingEffect ⚓︎

Bases: BaseModel

ItemFlingEffect model.


Name Type Description
id int

The identifier for this resource.

name str

The name for this resource.

effect_entries List[Effect]

The result of this fling effect listed in different languages.

items List[NamedResource]

A list of items that have this fling effect.

to_dict() ⚓︎

Convert the model to a dict


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The model as a dict.

Source code in pokelance/models/
def to_dict(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """Convert the model to a dict

    typing.Dict[str, Any]
        The model as a dict.
    return attrs.asdict(self)

ItemPocket ⚓︎

Bases: BaseModel

ItemPocket model.


Name Type Description
id int

The identifier for this resource.

name str

The name for this resource.

categories List[NamedResource]

A list of item categories that are relevant to this item pocket.

names List[Name]

The name of this resource listed in different languages.

to_dict() ⚓︎

Convert the model to a dict


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

The model as a dict.

Source code in pokelance/models/
def to_dict(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """Convert the model to a dict

    typing.Dict[str, Any]
        The model as a dict.
    return attrs.asdict(self)