One of the most common things you will often find yourself needing is some sort of background task. This could be anything from updating a counter every minute to updating some leaderboard every hour or posting daily reminders.
To handle these tasks, discord.py provides a tasks
extension that makes it easy to create and manage background tasks.
The tasks
extension is a wrapper around the asyncio.Task
class that allows you to run a coroutine in the background at a specified interval, with a lot of additional features like error handling, reconnect logic, exponential backoff, and more.
Creating a task⚓︎
To create a task you need to make an async
function that you want to run in the task and apply tasks.loop
decorator on it.
It takes the following arguments:
: The number of seconds between each iteration.minutes
: The number of minutes between each iteration.hours
: The number of hours between each iteration.time
: Adatetime.time
or a list ofdatetime.time
objects representing the time(s) of day to run the task.count
: The number of times to run the task. IfNone
, the task will run indefinitely.reconnect
: Whether to handle errors and restart the task using an exponential backoff strategy. Defaults toTrue
. For more information see here.name
: The name of the task. IfNone
, the function name will be used.
Then you can start it by using it's start
method. This will schedule the task to run in the background.
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
class MyCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
# you can start the task when the cog is loaded
async def cog_load(self):
# you can stop the task when the cog is unloaded
async def cog_unload(self):
async def my_task(self):
async def setup(bot):
from discord.ext import tasks
async def my_task():
class MyBot(commands.Bot):
async def setup_hook(self): # setup_hook is called before the bot starts
bot = MyBot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents)
async def before_my_task():
await bot.wait_until_ready() # wait until the bot is ready
The only requirement to schedule a task is to call the start
method which you can call at an appropriate place in your code. A thing to note is that the task may start running before the bot is ready, so you may want to use before_loop
to wait until the bot is ready if you are fetching any data from the discord API.
Utility Decorators⚓︎
A decorator that registers a coroutine to be called before the loop starts running.
from discord.ext import tasks
async def my_task():
async def before_my_task():
A decorator that registers a coroutine to be called after the loop finishes running. You can use this to perform cleanup tasks.
from discord.ext import tasks
async def my_task():
async def after_my_task():
A decorator that registers a coroutine to be called if the task encounters an unhandled exception.
The coroutine must take only one argument the exception raised
from discord.ext import tasks
async def my_task():
print(1 / 0)
async def error_handler(error: Exception):
Cancelling and Restarting⚓︎
Cancels the internal task, if it is running.
Gracefully stops the task from running.
Unlike cancel, this allows the task to finish its current iteration before gracefully exiting.
A convenience method to restart the internal task.
Reconnect Exceptions Handling⚓︎
Adds exception types to be handled during the reconnect logic.
By default the exception types handled are those handled by Client.connect()
, which includes a lot of internet disconnection errors.
This method is useful if you want to handle custom exceptions that are either raise by you or some third-party libraries.
class SomeCustomError(Exception):
async def my_task():
connection = await some_third_party_library.connect()
if not connection:
raise SomeCustomError("Connection failed!")
# do something with connection
my_task.add_exception_type(SomeCustomError) # now SomeCustomError will be handled during the reconnect logic
Removes all exception types that are handled.
Removes exception types from being handled during the reconnect logic.
Changing Interval⚓︎
Changes the interval for the sleep time.
from discord.ext import tasks
async def my_task():
print(1 / 0)
Check out discord.py tasks recipes for some examples on how to use tasks in your bot.