Designing a Language

Building a language and an interpreter for it from scratch

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This brings us to the end of this fascinating journey of building our own language and interpreter from scratch. In this final chapter, we will put together all the pieces we have built so far and create a fully functional interpreter for our language.
The interpreter code structure is similar to the resolver code structure. We will have a accept method for each node type. The accept method will be responsible for evaluating the node and returning the result. Just instead of resolving scope, we will be evaluating the node.

Since we are building a tree-walk interpreter, we will start from the root node and recursively evaluate each node. A node will be evaluated by calling its accept method. The accept method will call the accept method of its children and so on. The accept method of a node will return the result of the node evaluation. The result of the node evaluation will be used by the parent node to evaluate itself. This process will continue until we reach the root node. The result of the root node evaluation will be the result of the program.

So let’s get started.

The Interpreter

class Interpreter(VisitorProtocol, StmtProtocol):
    _environment: Environment
    builtins: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path("src/builtins")

    def __init__(self, lox: "PyLox", logger: "Logger") -> None:
        self._lox = lox
        self._logger = logger
        self._environment = Environment()
        self._locals: t.Dict["Expr", int] = {}

    def interpret(self, statements: list["Stmt"]) -> None:
        """Interpret a list of statements."""
            for statement in statements:
        except PyLoxRuntimeError as error:

The Interpreter class implements the VisitorProtocol and StmtProtocol protocols. The VisitorProtocol protocol is used to implement the visitor pattern for the expression nodes. The StmtProtocol protocol is used to implement the visitor pattern for the statement nodes. The Interpreter class also has an _environment attribute which is an instance of the Environment class. The Environment class is used to store the variables and their values. The Interpreter class also has a _locals attribute which is a dictionary that maps an expression node to its depth in the scope. The _locals dictionary is used to store the local variables and their values.

The interpret method is the entry point of the interpreter. It takes a list of statements as an argument. The interpret method iterates over the list of statements and calls the _evaluate method of the Interpreter class with each statement as an argument. The _evaluate method is responsible for evaluating the statement.

    def _evaluate(self, stmt: Stmt) -> None:
        stmt.accept(self)  # accept is the visitor pattern method

Local Variables

When we were talking about the Resolver class, we discussed about a _resolve_local method. This method called onto the _resolve method of the Interpreter class. The _resolve method of the Interpreter class is responsible for resolving the local variables. The _resolve method takes two arguments, the expr and the depth. The expr argument is the expression node whose value is to be resolved. The depth argument is the depth of the scope in which the expression node is present. The _resolve method returns the value of the expression node.

    def _resolve(self, expr: Expr, depth: int) -> None:
        self._locals[expr] = depth

Storing the depth of the scope in which the expression node is present is useful when we are resolving the local variables. It allows us to know how many scopes we need to go up to resolve the local variable.

Take this program for example:

fun foo(n) {
    var multiplier = 2;
    return multiplier * n;

print foo(5);

In this case there are two local variables, n and multiplier. At one level of nesting compared to global environment. So when the Resolver class resolves the local variables, it will call the _resolve method of the Interpreter class with the depth argument as 0 zero since we calculated depth using for loops which starts from zero by default. The _resolve method will store the depth argument in the _locals dictionary. So the _locals dictionary will look like this:

    Variable(name=Token(self.token_type=<LiteralTokenType.IDENTIFIER: 'identifier'>,
                        self.column=22)): 0,
    Variable(name=Token(self.token_type=<LiteralTokenType.IDENTIFIER: 'identifier'>,
                        self.column=26)): 0

Now that we have the information we need for variable declaration, assignment stored away, let’s move onto a few methods to access them when needed.

    def _lookup_variable(self, name: "Token", expr: "Expr") -> t.Any:
        """Lookup a variable."""
        distance = self._locals.get(expr)
        if distance is not None:
            return self._environment.get_at(distance, name)
        return self._environment.get(name)

The _lookup_variable method first checks if the variable exists in the _local dictionary. If it does, it calls onto the methods of the Environment class to fetch it which we discussed some time back here. If the variable is not present in the _local dictionary, which indicates that the variable is a global variable, it calls onto the get method of the Environment class to fetch it.

Evaluating Expressions

Lets start of with some basic expressions and operations to show how the interpreter works because at the core of any language is a bunch of expressions and then these expressions are used and conditions or tasks such as loops to evaluate a few more expressions.


    def visit_grouping_expr(self, expr: Grouping) -> t.Any:
        """Evaluate a grouping expression."""
        return self._evaluate(expr.expression)

The visit_grouping_expr method is responsible for evaluating a grouping expression. The visit_grouping_expr method takes a Grouping instance as an argument. The Grouping instance has an expression attribute which is an expression node. The visit_grouping_expr method calls onto the _evaluate method of the Interpreter class with the expression attribute of the Grouping instance as an argument. The _evaluate method is responsible for evaluating the expression node.


    def visit_unary_expr(self, expr: "Unary") -> t.Any:
        """Visit a unary expression."""
        right: t.Any = self._evaluate(expr.right)
        match expr.operator.token_type:
            case SimpleTokenType.MINUS:
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, right)
                return -right
            case SimpleTokenType.BANG:
                return not self.is_truthy(right)
            case _:
                raise PyLoxRuntimeError(self.error(expr.operator, f"Unknown unary operator {expr.operator.lexeme}."))

The visit_unary_method is similar in operation in case of unary operations the right side is the expression or a value to which the unary operator is applied. In Lox language we have two unary operators, ! and -. The ! operator is used to negate the truthiness of the expression or value. The - operator is used to negate the expression or value.
To apply these operators we need to first validate the expression or value. The _numeric_validation method is used to validate the expression or value.

    def _numeric_validation(self, operator: "Token", *operands: t.Any) -> None:
        """Validate numeric operands."""
        for operand in operands:
            if not isinstance(operand, (int, float)):
                raise PyLoxTypeError(
                    self.error(operator, f"Operand must be a number for operator '{operator.lexeme}'.")
        return None

Pretty straight forward, we check if the operand is an instance of int or float and if it is not we raise a PyLoxTypeError exception.

    def is_truthy(obj: t.Any) -> bool:
        """Check if an object is truthy."""
        return bool(obj)

Again nothing much for us to do here, we just call the bool function on the object and return the result. Cases like this show advantages of a high level languages like Python, Java etc.


    def visit_binary_expr(self, expr: "Binary") -> t.Any:
        """Visit a binary expression."""
        left, right = self._evaluate(expr.left), self._evaluate(expr.right)
        match expr.operator.token_type:
            case SimpleTokenType.MINUS:  # Subtraction
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)  # Validate numeric operands
                return left - right  # Perform subtraction
            case SimpleTokenType.PLUS:  # Addition
                if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, str):  # Check if both operands are strings
                    return left + right  # Concatenate strings
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)  # Validate numeric operands
                raise PyLoxRuntimeError(self.error(expr.operator, "Operands must be two numbers or two strings."))
            case SimpleTokenType.SLASH:  # Division
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)  # Validate numeric operands
                    return left / right  # Perform division
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    raise PyLoxRuntimeError(self.error(expr.operator, "Division by zero."))
            case ComplexTokenType.BACKSLASH:  # Integer division
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)
                    return left // right  # Perform integer division
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    raise PyLoxRuntimeError(self.error(expr.operator, "Division by zero."))
            case SimpleTokenType.STAR:  # Multiplication
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)
                return left * right  # Perform multiplication
            case SimpleTokenType.MODULO:  # Modulo
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)
                return left % right  # Perform modulo
            case SimpleTokenType.CARAT:  # Exponentiation
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)
                return left**right  # Perform exponentiation
            case ComplexTokenType.GREATER:  # Greater than
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)
                return left > right  # Perform greater than
            case ComplexTokenType.GREATER_EQUAL:  # Greater than or equal to
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)
                return left >= right  # Perform greater than or equal to
            case ComplexTokenType.LESS:  # Less than
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)
                return left < right  # Perform less than
            case ComplexTokenType.LESS_EQUAL:  # Less than or equal to
                self._numeric_validation(expr.operator, left, right)
                return left <= right  # Perform less than or equal to
            case ComplexTokenType.BANG_EQUAL:  # Not equal to
                return not self.is_equal(left, right)  # Perform not equal to
            case ComplexTokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL:  # Equal to
                return self.is_equal(left, right)  # Perform equal to
            case _:
                raise PyLoxRuntimeError(
                    self.error(expr.operator, f"Unexpected binary operator {expr.operator.lexeme}.")

I think you can figure out what’s going on here. The main difference from the unary negation operator is that we have two operands to evaluate. Nothing much to explain here.

    def is_equal(left: t.Any, right: t.Any) -> bool:
        """Check if two objects are equal."""
        return left == right

We are just using the == operator to check if the two objects are equal.

So far we have seen how basic expressions are evaluated. Now let’s use these bottom level expressions to see how statements are evaluated.

Evaluating statements

Expression statement

    def visit_expression_stmt(self, stmt: "Expression") -> None:
        """Visit an expression statement."""

The visit_expression_stmt method is used to evaluate an expression statement. An expression statement is a statement that contains an expression. For example, print "Hello World!" is an expression statement. The print keyword is an expression and the string "Hello World!" is the expression. In this case we just evaluate the expression and return the result.

    def visit_print_stmt(self, stmt: "Print") -> None:
        """Visit a print statement."""
        value: t.Any = self._evaluate(stmt.expression)
        print(self._stringify(value))  # just calls str() on the value and handles special cases for nil and bool

Now that we have seen a basic statement evaluation, let’s see how we can evaluate a block of statements.


    def visit_block_stmt(self, stmt: "Block") -> None:
        """Visit a block statement."""
        self._execute_block(stmt.statements, Environment(enclosing=self.environment))

As the name of the method suggests it evaluates a block of statements. A block of statements is a group of statements enclosed in curly braces {}. For example, the body of a function is a block of statements. In this case we create a new environment enclosing the current environment and execute the block of statements in the new environment this ensures that the variables declared in the block are not accessible outside the block.

    def _execute_block(self, statements: list["Stmt"], environment: Environment) -> None:
        """Execute a block of statements."""
        previous: Environment = self._environment
            self._environment = environment
            for statement in statements:
            self._environment = previous

Pretty standard what you expected it to do right? We just iterate over the statements and evaluate them.

Variable declaration

    def visit_var_stmt(self, stmt: "Var") -> None:
        """Visit a variable declaration statement."""
        value: t.Any = None
        if stmt.initializer is not None:
            value = self._evaluate(stmt.initializer)
        self._environment.define(, value)

This method is used to evaluate a variable declaration statement. A variable declaration statement is a statement that declares a variable. For example, var a = 10 is a variable declaration statement. In this case we evaluate the initializer expression and store the result in the variable. If the initializer is not present we just store None in the variable in which case it defaults to nil.

If statement

    def visit_if_stmt(self, stmt: "If") -> None:
        """Visit an if statement."""
        if self._is_truthy(self._evaluate(stmt.condition)):
        elif stmt.else_branch is not None:

From this point onwards we will move onto features higher up in the hierarchy. The visit_if_stmt method is used to evaluate an if statement. An if statement is a statement that contains a condition and a then branch and an optional else branch.

Lets take a look at the if statement in Lox.

var a = 2;
if (a > 2) {
    print "a is greater than 2";
else if (2 == a) {
    print "a is equal to 2";  // This is printed
else {
    print "a is less than 2";

The syntax of the if statement is pretty standard in this case we evaluate the if condition and if it is true we evaluate the then branch otherwise we evaluate the else branch in the case displayed above the else branch contains another if statement.

While statement

    def visit_while_stmt(self, stmt: "While") -> None:
        """Visit a while statement."""
            while self.is_truthy(self._evaluate(stmt.condition)):
                except PyLoxContinueError:
                    if stmt.for_transformed and isinstance(stmt.body, Block):
                        self._execute_block([stmt.body.statements[-1]], Environment(self._environment))
        except PyLoxRuntimeError:

The implementation of while loop differs from the original Lox implementations due to addition of keywords like continue and break. Both these keywords raise respective error which is flagged by the interpreter and handled accordingly.

The little challenge here was handling the loop evaluation correctly when a continue statement is encountered. The continue statement is handled by the PyLoxContinueError exception. When the exception is raised we check if the loop is a for loop and if it is we execute the increment expression and continue the loop. If it is not a for loop we just continue the loop.

Functions and Classes

    def visit_function_stmt(self, stmt: "Function") -> None:
        """Visit a function declaration statement."""
        function: LoxFunction = LoxFunction(stmt, self._environment, False)
        self._environment.define(, function)

And yeah thats it! Surprised? Well, a function or class in general just a declaration. It is not evaluated until it is called. So we just create a new LoxFunction object and store it in the environment.

    def visit_class_stmt(self, stmt: "Class") -> None:
        super_class = None  # super class flag
        if stmt.superclass is not None:  # if a super class is present
            super_class = self._evaluate(stmt.superclass)  # The super class is evaluated
            if not isinstance(super_class, LoxClass):  # If the super class is not a LoxClass
                raise PyLoxRuntimeError(
                    self.error(, f"{} must be an instance of LoxClass.")
        self._environment.define(, None)  # The class is defined in the environment
        if stmt.superclass is not None:  # If a super class is present
            self._environment = Environment(self._environment)  # A new environment is created
            self._environment.define(Token(KeywordTokenType.SUPER, "super", None, 0, 0), super_class)  # The super class is defined in the environment
        methods: t.Dict[str, LoxFunction] = {}
        for method in stmt.methods:  # all the methods are evaluated
            function_: LoxFunction = LoxFunction(method, self._environment, == "init")
            methods[] = function_
        new_class: LoxClass = LoxClass(, super_class, methods)  # A new LoxClass object is created
        if super_class is not None:
            assert isinstance(self._environment.enclosing, Environment)
            self._environment = self._environment.enclosing  # The environment is restored
        self._environment.assign(, new_class)  # The class is assigned to the variable

Similarly, a class is also just a declaration. The class is not evaluated until it is used. So we just create a new LoxClass object and store it in the environment. It gets slightly more complicated when a super class is present. In that case we create a new environment and store the super class in the environment. Then we evaluate all the methods in the new environment. After that we create a new LoxClass object and store it in the environment. Finally, we restore the environment and assign the LoxClass object to the variable.


Now we get onto the real action. The visit_call_expr method is triggered whenver any function or class or a callable object in general is called. Lets take a look at the implementation.

    def visit_call_expr(self, expr: "Call") -> t.Any:
        """Visit a call expression."""
        callee: t.Any = self._evaluate(expr.callee)
        arguments: t.List[t.Any] = [self._evaluate(arg) for arg in expr.arguments]
        if not isinstance(callee, LoxCallable):
            raise PyLoxRuntimeError(self.error(expr.paren, "Can only call functions and classes."))
        if len(arguments) != callee.arity:
            raise PyLoxRuntimeError(self.error(expr.paren, f"Expected {callee.arity} arguments but got {len(arguments)}"))
            return callee(self, arguments)
        except Exception as e:
            self._logger.error(f"Error calling function {expr.paren.line}:{expr.paren.column}:\n{e}")
            raise PyLoxRuntimeError(self.error(expr.paren, f"Error calling function {expr.paren.line}:{expr.paren.column}:\n{e}"))

You might remember from the parser stage that a Call object consists of the callee ie foo(1, 2, 3) in this case foo is the callee and the arguments ie 1, 2, 3 in this case. The callee is evaluated and the arguments are evaluated and stored in a list. Then we check if the callee is a callable object. If it is not we raise an error. If it is a callable object we check if the number of arguments passed is equal to the arity of the callee. If it is not we raise an error. If it is we call the callee with the arguments and return the result.

Get and Set

    def visit_get_expr(self, expr: "Get") -> t.Any:
        """Visit a get expression."""
        obj: t.Any = self._evaluate(expr.object)
        if isinstance(obj, LoxInstance):
            return obj.get(
        raise PyLoxRuntimeError(self.error(, "Only instances have properties."))
    def visit_set_expr(self, expr: "Set") -> t.Any:
        """Visit a set expression."""
        obj = self._evaluate(expr.object)
        if not isinstance(obj, LoxInstance):
            raise PyLoxRuntimeError(self.error(, "Only instances have fields."))
        value: t.Any = self._evaluate(expr.value)
        obj.set(, value)
        return value

The visit_get_expr method is triggered whenver a property of an instance is accessed. The visit_set_expr method is triggered whenver a property of an instance is set. In both cases we evaluate the object and check if it is an instance. If it is not we raise an error. If it is we get or set the property of the instance.

With this we have completed most of the general functionality of the interpreter. Now for the moment of truth. Lets run the interpreter and see if it works.

# This is just a quick script to run the interpreter
from src import PyLox

if __name__ == "__main__":

Pylox is the interface class which allows us to interact with the interpreter. The run method runs the interpreter. Lets run the interpreter on the following code.

class Node {
    init (value) {
        this.value = value; = nil;

class List {
    init() {
        this.head = nil;
        this.tail = nil;

    add(value) {
        var node = Node(value);
        if (!this.head) {
            this.head = node;
            this.tail = node;
        } else {
   = node;
            this.tail = node;

    remove(value) {
        var node = this.head;
        var prev = nil;
        while (node) {
            if (node.value == value) {
                if (!prev) {
                    this.head =;
                } else {
            prev = node;
            node =;

    write() {
        var node = this.head;
        while (node) {
            print node.value;
            node =;

var list = List();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {

This code creates a linked list and removes all the even numbers from it. Lets run the interpreter.

[2023-05-01 03:08:04,953] | ~\src\interpreter\ | INFO | Running PyLox...
[2023-05-01 03:08:04,963] | ~\src\interpreter\ | INFO | Finished running PyLox.

It works! We have successfully implemented a working interpreter for the Lox language.


Hey thats pretty cool! You have made it to the end of the series. I learnt a lot while writing this interpreter. I hope you learnt something too. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you. You can find the source code for this project here.

Going further I have added a bunch of additional features to the exisiting Lox implementation which can be found here

With that I bid you adieu. Until next time.

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