Building a language and an interpreter for it from scratch
Lexical Analysis is the first phase in any compiler or an interpreter. It is also known as scanning. It converts the sequence of characters into sequence of tokens. A token is a sequence of characters that can be treated as a unit in the grammar of the programming languages.
This part of the article will be explaining my take on the lexer for Lox
language using python.
Currently there are going to be two modes for running lox scripts
đź“ť Note
REPL stands for Read-Eval-Print-Loop. It is a simple interactive computer programming environment that takes single user inputs, executes them, and returns the result to the user; a program written in a REPL environment is executed piecewise.
⚠️ Warning
For exiting the code or quitting on errors such asSyntaxError
we will take advantage of python’s exception mechanism by raising custom exceptions.
class PyLox:
def __init__(self, source: str | pathlib.Path = "") -> None:
self.logger = Logger(name="PyLox")
self.lexer = Lexer(source, self.logger)
The PyLox
class is the base class for the interpreter. It takes the path of the file as an argument and creates a Lexer
object. The Lexer
object is responsible for scanning the source code and generating tokens.
The Logger
class is a simple wrapper around the logging
module. It is used for logging the errors and warnings. In our case it is completely optional and replaceable with the print
def run(self) -> None:"Running PyLox...")
tokens = self.lexer.scan_tokens()
for token in tokens:
self.logger.flair(f"{token}")"Finished running PyLox.")
The run
method is responsible for running the interpreter in the file mode. It calls the scan_tokens
method of the Lexer
class which returns a list of tokens. The run
method then iterates over the list of tokens and prints them to the console.
def run_prompt(self) -> None:
while True:
source = input("> ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.logger.debug("Exiting PyLox...")
raise PyLoxKeyboardInterrupt
else:"Running PyLox...")
self.lexer.source = f"{source}\n"
tokens = self.lexer.scan_tokens()
for token in tokens:
self.logger.flair(f"{token}")"Finished running PyLox.")
The run_prompt
method is responsible for running the interpreter in the REPL mode. It takes the input from the user and passes it to the Lexer
class. The Lexer
class then scans the input and returns a list of tokens. The run_prompt
method then iterates over the list of tokens and prints them to the console.
The run_prompt
method is wrapped in a while
loop which keeps the interpreter running until the user presses Ctrl+C
to exit the interpreter.
Now before moving on to the Lexer
class lets take a look at what all tokens or keywords we are going to support in our language.
class TokenType(enum.StrEnum):
"""Base class for token types."""
def as_dict(cls) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Return a dictionary of the enum values."""
return {key: str(value) for key, value in cls.__members__.items()}
All tokens with be stored in Enums
for better readability and maintainability. The TokenType
class is a base class for all the token types. It also provides a class method as_dict
which returns a dictionary of all the token types.
class Token:
token_type: TokenType
lexeme: str
literal: t.Optional[str]
line: int
column: int
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Token({self.token_type=}, {self.lexeme=}, {self.literal=}, {self.line=}, {self.column=})"
def from_raw(cls, token: TokenType, cursor: "Cursor", literal: t.Optional[str] = None) -> "Token":
"""Create a token from a raw character."""
return cls(
lexeme=cursor.source[cursor.start : cursor.current],
The Token
class is a simple dataclass which stores the token type, lexeme, literal, line number and column number of the token. The from_raw
class method is used to create a token from a raw character.
is the type of the tokenlexeme
is the actual string of characters that make up the tokenliteral
is the value of the token (like in case of var a = 10
the literal value of a
is 10
is the line number of the tokencolumn
is the column number of the tokenSimple tokens consist of single characters like (
, )
, {
, }
, etc. These tokens are represented by the SimpleTokenType
class SimpleTokenType(TokenType):
COMMA = ","
DOT = "."
MINUS = "-"
PLUS = "+"
SLASH = "/"
STAR = "*"
BANG = "!"
These tokens are easiest to implement as they are just a single character except for \
character which we will see soon why.
Complex tokens consist of multiple characters like ==
, !=
, <=
, >=
, etc. These tokens are represented by the ComplexTokenType
class ComplexTokenType(TokenType):
EQUAL = "="
LESS = "<"
These tokens are a bit tricky to implement as they consist of multiple characters and can be used in combination with other tokens. For example =
can be used as an assignment operator or as a part of ==
token. To handle this we will be using a \
character to escape the =
character. So if the \
character is present before the =
character then we will treat it as a part of the ==
token otherwise we will treat it as an assignment operator.
Literals are tokens consisting of a sequence of characters. These tokens are represented by the LiteralTokenType
class LiteralTokenType(TokenType):
token is used to represent variable names. The STRING
token is used to represent string literals. The NUMBER
token is used to represent number literals.
Keywords are tokens which have a special meaning in the language. These tokens are represented by the KeywordTokenType
class KeywordTokenType(TokenType):
AND = "and"
CLASS = "class"
ELSE = "else"
FALSE = "false"
FUN = "fun"
FOR = "for"
IF = "if"
NIL = "nil"
OR = "or"
PRINT = "print"
RETURN = "return"
SUPER = "super"
THIS = "this"
TRUE = "true"
VAR = "var"
WHILE = "while"
BREAK = "break"
CONTINUE = "continue"
Finally we arrive at miscellaneous tokens. These tokens are represented by the MiscTokenType
class EOFTokenType(TokenType):
class MiscTokenType(TokenType):
WS = " "
TAB = "\t"
LF = "\r"
These tokens are used to represent the end of file and white spaces and other arbitrary characters.
Now lets move on to the main attraction of this article, the Lexer
class. The Lexer
class is responsible for scanning the source code and generating tokens.
class Lexer:
_file_path: pathlib.Path | str
def __init__(self, source: str | pathlib.Path, logger: "Logger") -> None:
self._file_path = pathlib.Path(source) if source else ""
self._source = self._read_file(self._file_path) if self._file_path else ""
self._tokens: list[Token] = []
self._curser = Cursor(source=self._source)
self._logger = logger
The Lexer
class takes the source code and a Logger
object as arguments. It then creates a Cursor
object which is responsible for keeping track of the current position in the source code. The Lexer
class also creates an empty list of tokens which will be populated by the scan_tokens
The cursor is a simple dataclass which keeps track of the current position in the source code. It helps in keeping the code organized and readable.
class Cursor:
current: int = 0
start: int = 0
line: int = 1
column: int = 1
source: str = ""
The cursor also provides a few handy methods which we will be using to tokenize the raw source code.
def advance(self) -> str:
Advance the cursor by one character.
:return: The character at the current position.
self.current += 1
self.column += 1
return self.source[self.current - 1]
The advance
method is used to advance the cursor by one character.
def peek(self, offset: int = 0) -> str:
Peek at the character at the current position.
:param offset: The offset from the current position.
:return: The character at the current position.
if self.current + offset >= len(self.source):
return "\0"
return self.source[self.current + offset]
The peek
method is used to peek at the character at the current position. It also takes an optional offset
argument which can be used to peek at the character at a position relative to the current position.
def match(self, expected: str) -> bool:
Match the current character with the expected character.
:param expected: The expected character.
:return: True if the current character matches the expected character, False otherwise.
if self.at_end:
return False
if self.source[self.current] != expected:
return False
self.current += 1
self.column += 1
return True
The match
method is used to match the current character with the expected character. It returns True
if the current character matches the expected character, False
def at_end(self) -> bool:
Check if the cursor is at the end of the source code.
:return: True if the cursor is at the end of the source code, False otherwise.
return self.current >= len(self.source)
The at_end
property is used to check if the cursor is at the end of the source code.
def error_highlight(self, message: str) -> str:
Highlight the error in the source code.
:param message: The error message.
:return: The error message with the source code.
error = f"Error on line {self.line} at column {self.column}:\n"
c_line = self.source.splitlines()[self.line - 1]
return f"{error}\n{c_line}\n{'~' * (self.column - 1)}^\n{message}"
The error_highlight
method is used to highlight the error in the source code. It takes an error message as an argument and returns the error message with the source code.
The main reason why I included another column attribute was for more detailed error messages.
You wouldn’t want an error like this would you? :p
Error: Unexpected "," somewhere in your code. Good luck finding it!
def scan_tokens(self) -> list[Token]:
"""Scan the source file for tokens."""
while not self._curser.at_end:
self._curser.start = self._curser.current
eof_ = Token.from_raw(EOFTokenType.EOF, self._curser)
eof_.lexeme = ""
return self._tokens
The scan_tokens
method is used to scan the source code for tokens. It does this by calling the _scan_token
method until the cursor reaches the end of the source code. It then appends an EOF
token to the list of tokens and returns the list of tokens.
def _scan_token(self) -> None:
"""Scan the source file for a token."""
char = self._curser.advance()
if char in MiscTokenType.as_dict().values():
elif char == str(SimpleTokenType.SLASH):
if self._curser.match(str(SimpleTokenType.SLASH)):
while self._curser.peek() != "\n" and not self._curser.at_end:
elif char in SimpleTokenType.as_dict().values():
elif char in ComplexTokenType.as_dict().values():
if self._curser.match("="):
elif char == "\n":
self._curser.line += 1
self._curser.column = 1
elif char == '"':
elif char.isalpha() or char == "_":
elif char.isdigit():
self._logger.error(self._curser.error_highlight(f"Unexpected character '{char}'."))
raise PyLoxSyntaxError(self._curser.error_highlight(f"Unexpected character '{char}'."))
Now lets break this down to smaller parts to make it easier to understand.
if char in MiscTokenType.as_dict().values():
This part detects for characters which dont affect our final code such as \t
or \r
and white spaces.
elif char == str(SimpleTokenType.SLASH):
if self._curser.match(str(SimpleTokenType.SLASH)):
while self._curser.peek() != "\n" and not self._curser.at_end:
Now this contains an interesting part as our language defines //
as a comment. So we have to detect for that and ignore everything until we reach a new line character and segregate this operation from the division operation.
elif char in SimpleTokenType.as_dict().values():
This part is as simple as it gets. It just adds a token for simple tokens like (
, )
, {
, }
, etc.
elif char in ComplexTokenType.as_dict().values():
if self._curser.match("="):
The above snippet handles cases for complex operators with one to two characters in variations like ==
, !=
, <=
, >=
, etc.
method attempts to match with the next character and if it matches, it adds a token for the complex operator with two characters. If it doesn’t match, it adds a token for the complex operator with one character.
elif char == "\n":
if self._curser.peek(offset=-2) != str(SimpleTokenType.SEMICOLON):
self._logger.error(self._curser.error_highlight("Missing ';' at end of line."))
raise PyLoxSyntaxError(self._curser.error_highlight("Missing ';' at end of line."))
self._curser.line += 1
self._curser.column = 1
This part is used to handle new line characters. It increments the line number and resets the column number to 1. Also checks if the previous character is a semicolon or not. If it isn’t, it raises an error.
elif char == '"':
def _read_string(self) -> None:
"""Read a string."""
while self._curser.peek() != '"' and not self._curser.at_end:
if self._curser.peek() == "\n":
self._curser.line += 1
self._curser.column = 1
if self._curser.at_end:
self._logger.error(self._curser.error_highlight("Unterminated string."))
raise PyLoxValueError(self._curser.error_highlight("Unterminated string."))
value = self._curser.source[self._curser.start + 1 : self._curser.current - 1]
self._add_token(LiteralTokenType.STRING, value)
This part is used to handle strings. It reads the string until it reaches a "
character and adds a token for the string.
If it reaches the end of the source code, it raises an error.
elif char.isalpha() or char == "_":
If a character is alphabetic or includes / starts with a _
it matches it with an identifier / keyword depending on the case.
def _read_identifier(self) -> None:
"""Read an identifier."""
while self._curser.peek().isalnum() or self._curser.peek() == "_":
value = self._curser.source[self._curser.start : self._curser.current]
_ids = [i.lexeme for i in self._tokens if i.token_type == LiteralTokenType.IDENTIFIER] # list of existing identifiers for cases such as `var x = 7;` followed by `x = 8;` to check declaration
if self._curser.column - len(value) == 1 and value not in (
): # if the identifier is not a keyword or already declared it raises an error
self._logger.error(self._curser.error_highlight(f"Invalid identifier '{value}'."))
raise PyLoxSyntaxError(self._curser.error_highlight(f"Invalid identifier '{value}'."))
elif value in KeywordTokenType.as_dict().values(): # if the identifier is a keyword it adds a token for the keyword
else: # else it adds a token for the identifier
self._add_token(LiteralTokenType.IDENTIFIER, value)
This part is used to handle identifiers. It reads the identifier until it reaches a non-alphanumeric character and adds a token for the identifier.
elif char.isdigit():
If a character is a digit, it matches it with a number. By default all numbers in Lox
are double precision floating point numbers.
def _read_number(self) -> None:
"""Read a number."""
while self._curser.peek().isdigit():
if self._curser.peek() == "." and self._curser.peek(offset=1).isdigit(): # if the number is followed by a `.` and a digit it reads the number as a double
while self._curser.peek().isdigit():
value = self._curser.source[self._curser.start : self._curser.current]
if self._curser.column - len(value) == 1 and self._curser.peek().isalpha() or self._curser.peek() == "_": # if the number is followed by an alphabetic character or a `_` it raises an error we dont want cases like 1var or any identifier starting with a number
self._logger.error(self._curser.error_highlight(f"Invalid number '{value}'."))
raise PyLoxSyntaxError(self._curser.error_highlight(f"Invalid number '{value}'."))
self._add_token(LiteralTokenType.NUMBER, value)
This part is used to handle numbers. It reads the number until it reaches a non-digit character and adds a token for the number.
self._logger.error(self._curser.error_highlight(f"Unexpected character '{char}'."))
raise PyLoxSyntaxError(self._curser.error_highlight(f"Unexpected character '{char}'."))
Finally if the character is not present in our pre-defined set of characters it raises an error.
def _add_token(self, token_type: TokenType, literal: str | None = None) -> None:
"""Add a token to the list of tokens."""
self._tokens.append(Token.from_raw(token_type, self._curser, literal))
This concludes our Lexer
class now we can fire up our REPL
and test it out.
> var x = "123.9";
[2023-04-27 04:05:52,063] | ~\src\interpreter\ | INFO | Running PyLox...
[2023-04-27 04:05:52,063] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<KeywordTokenType.VAR: 'var'>, self.lexeme='var', self.literal=None, self.line=1, self.column=4)
[2023-04-27 04:05:52,064] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<LiteralTokenType.IDENTIFIER: 'identifier'>, self.lexeme='x', self.literal='x', self.line=1, self.column=6)
[2023-04-27 04:05:52,064] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<ComplexTokenType.EQUAL: '='>, self.lexeme='=', self.literal=None, self.line=1, self.column=8)
[2023-04-27 04:05:52,064] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<LiteralTokenType.STRING: 'string'>, self.lexeme='"123.9"', self.literal='123.9', self.line=1, self.column=16)
[2023-04-27 04:05:52,064] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<SimpleTokenType.SEMICOLON: ';'>, self.lexeme=';', self.literal=None, self.line=1, self.column=17)
[2023-04-27 04:05:52,064] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<EOFTokenType.EOF: 'eof'>, self.lexeme='', self.literal=None, self.line=1, self.column=17)
[2023-04-27 04:05:52,064] | ~\src\interpreter\ | INFO | Finished running PyLox.
> var y = 123.9;
[2023-04-27 04:06:28,694] | ~\src\interpreter\ | INFO | Running PyLox...
[2023-04-27 04:06:28,694] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<KeywordTokenType.VAR: 'var'>, self.lexeme='var', self.literal=None, self.line=1, self.column=4)
[2023-04-27 04:06:28,694] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<LiteralTokenType.IDENTIFIER: 'identifier'>, self.lexeme='y', self.literal='y', self.line=1, self.column=6)
[2023-04-27 04:06:28,694] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<ComplexTokenType.EQUAL: '='>, self.lexeme='=', self.literal=None, self.line=1, self.column=8)
[2023-04-27 04:06:28,694] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<LiteralTokenType.NUMBER: 'number'>, self.lexeme='123.9', self.literal='123.9', self.line=1, self.column=14)
[2023-04-27 04:06:28,694] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<SimpleTokenType.SEMICOLON: ';'>, self.lexeme=';', self.literal=None, self.line=1, self.column=15)
[2023-04-27 04:06:28,694] | ~\src\ | FLAIR | Token(self.token_type=<EOFTokenType.EOF: 'eof'>, self.lexeme='', self.literal=None, self.line=1, self.column=15)
[2023-04-27 04:06:28,694] | ~\src\interpreter\ | INFO | Finished running PyLox.
As you can see we have successfully implemented the Lexer
class and it is working as expected.